Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dream Big

 What do you want?  Doesn’t seem like such a hard question to answer.  However as a Lifestyle Wellness Coach my clients have taught me that it is indeed one of the toughest.  Let"s be honest; it is much easier to let someone else make choices for you. But if you want to live your best life, the first step is figuring out what that life looks like for you – asking yourself - what do I want?
 You could start with the lottery question.  If I won the lottery tomorrow what would my life look like? This question works well because it immediately removes two obstacles; money and time.  With the promise of financial security without the burden of a job, you can begin to picture your perfect day, week, month… 
 You may be saying to yourself about now that this doesn’t work…..could never happen.  Why? Is it because it sparks a feeling of fear to dream that big?  What’s the worst that could happen if you start by dreaming as big as possible, and then working from that platform to get what you want?
 Once you allow yourself to start dreaming and have put together a few things that you REALLY want to have, achieve, do, be…. The next step is to put that dream to the test.  The following 10 questions come John Maxwell’s book Put Your Dream to the Test. He tells us that If you can answer the following questions positively, then the odds of achieving your dream increase dramatically.   
You may never win the lottery, but you can still begin living your best life by dreaming big and thinking big. 


The Ownership Question:
Is my dream really my dream?


The Clarity Question:
Do I clearly see my dream?


The Reality Question:
Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream?


The Passion Question:
Does my dream compel me to follow it?


The Pathway Question:
Do I have a strategy to reach my dream?


The People Question:
Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?


The Cost Question:
Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?


The Tenacity Question:
Am I moving closer to my dream?


The Fulfillment Question:
Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?


The Significance Question:
Does my dream benefit others?

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"Don't go through life, grow through life."
Eric Butterworth