Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness (Spirit) means something different for each of us. For some it will be tied into a religion, for others it is more about their role on this earth. Stephen Covey tells us that as humans we all have a need to leave our legacy.  I agree and believe that this ties into spiritual wellness; passing on to others your beliefs, values and dare I say wisdom.  This “passing”  may happen through your family, work, community, or group (it can be done in more than one place). In other words; knowing that you have left something of value behind when you leave this earth.

 Whatever spiritual wellness means to you,  it all starts with an understanding of your values and beliefs.

  • I feel that my life has a positive purpose.
  • I have a consistency between my beliefs, values and behaviors.
  • I make time for relaxation in my day (thought, prayer, meditation).
  • I am accepting of the views of others.
  • I integrate my "spiritual practice" within everyday life of work, family and relationships.
  • I appreciate the individual uniqueness, diversity and need for connectedness among all people.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Intellectual Wellness

   As we take the next few weeks to go into more detail about each dimension of wellness I challenge you to set at least one goal in each dimension for 2012. 
                                                     We start with the mind.
Intellectual Wellness (mind) is defined by the strong desire to learn from challenges and experiences.  It encourages ongoing intellectual growth, and creative yet stimulating mental activities which provide the foundation to discover, process, and evaluate information.
  •  I view learning as a lifelong process.
  •  I am open to listen to ideas different from my own.
  •  When I make a mistake I learn from it.
  •  I seek opportunities to learn new things that challenge my critical-thinking skills.
  •  I have interests other than those directly related to my vocation.

    What are excited about learning in 2012?   

Friday, December 09, 2011

Wellness Defined

What does wellness mean to you?  Halbert Dunn (the man who coined the word wellness) describes wellness as a holistic approach to health, encompassing the whole person.  He also tells us that wellness is about potentialit involves helping the individual move toward the highest state of well-being of which he/she is capable.  I would add to that by saying that wellness is the whole person- the whole life.  

As you read over each dimension you realize there are areas that are easy, and others that take more work.  I would like to spend the next few weeks describing each dimension in a bit more detail so that you can see where work may be needed in these areas for your own life; where the work needs to begin to live your best life. Stay tuned… 

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Your Best Life

 Your best life is the one lived through happiness, peace and meaning.  It starts with waking up excited to begin your day, and ending the day proud of the choices you have made.  It is about understanding what is important to you so that you are able to live the life you WANT, rather than living in shoulds and ought tos.  Living your best life is a journey that takes courage; a journey that becomes a discovery of your authentic happiness.  Through this blog I want to help you live your best life. Stay tuned….
"Don't go through life, grow through life."
Eric Butterworth